Rites of Passage

I’m in a multi-year phase with my two sons to help them through a significant Coming of Age ritual. I document and share the process here.

I’m currently working to design and execute a significant rite of passage for my two boys. These moments will act as a formal Coming of Age ritual. They’ll be expected to accomplish a significant task, that requires the internalization of our family’s core values, and a demonstration of their strength and courage and capacity. My goal is to provide a chance for them to discover that they have what it takes.

How to prepare kids for an unpredictable future?

If I was to teach my kids how to be successful in the world, using the same skills I used, they’d have no chance. The world I grew up in is gone, and their world is changing faster than ever. So, rather than teach them the skills, tricks, and tactics of my trade, I’m attempting to teach them how to see the world and to interact with it. My goals are to remove the mental barriers between them and their goals, so all that is left is the strength of their desire to determine their outcomes in life.

This is very much a work in progress, and I’ll be capturing more of my journey over time. If you’d like to follow along, sign up for my very-rarely-sent email newsletter below.

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